Physics 1 covers all the AS-year material, comprising the modules Forces and motion, Electrons and protons, and Wave properties. Since it covers all the core material, it, is suitable for use with …
Each chapter starts with a list of learning objectives. Mathematical concepts are explained clearly and carefully. Stimulating examples take a step-by-step approach to problem solving. There are pl…
This book is part of a series of textbooks created for the new University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) AS and A Level Mathematics syllabus. The authors have worked with CIE to assu…
The key to exam success is exam practice and that's where this book can really help. It allows you to attempt different types of question, to evaluate your performaance against graded model answers…
Each unit is split into four key practice areas: Vocabulary, Language, Skills (e.g. reading, listening) and Exam-style practice. Write-in book, suitable for use in class or as homework. New 'langua…
The book is written in a clear and accessible style. Each chapter contains essential material for understanding the principles and techniques of business. There are many activities to test understa…
As ell as preparing students for the requirements of the examination, the book helps develop the required computational, accounting, problem-solving and written skills. Theoretical and practical as…
Followa the order of the topics in the CIE syllabus. As well as fully supporting the syllabus, the book equips students with the skills and concepts will be examined by CIE. Although specifically p…
The chapters are arranged to provide a viable teaching course. Each chapter starts wih a list of learning objecives. Mathematical concepts are explained clearly and carefully.
Designed to help you to further develop chemistry skills such as laboratory techniques, mathematical methods and data handling. The Course Study Guide also provides outline solutions to a selection…
Includes "How to use this book" guidance so you can get the most out of all of the features. Exam-style practice papers for reading and writing, listening, adn speaking help students prepare for as…
Buku pegangan siswa/guru
Buku ini berisi kumpulan puisi Taufiq Ismail yang merupakan jilid 1 dari 3 jilid. buku ini juga ditulis dengan ,menggunakan dua bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.
Pada Suatu pagi, joy si anjing mungil diajak pak endut pergi memancing ke sebuah danau yang indah
Buku ini membahasa secara singkat tentang karunia yang diberikan oleh allah
YUK Bersihkan hartamu, kalau kita mempunyai harta berlebih, kalau kita mempunyai makanan berlebih, kalau kita mempunyai pakaian yang lebih ityulah saatnya kita dianjurkan untuk berbagi
Kutinggalkan untuk mu 2 perkara tidaklah akan tersesat selamalamanya jika kamu berpegang pada keduanya yaitu alquran dan sunnah
Buku ini disusun dalam rangka upaya kami untuk melestarikan budaya bangsa indonesia agar tidak terkikis oleh laju zaman modern yang mulai mempengaruhi budaya dan gaya hidup bangsa kita
Kami percaya bahwa belajar adalah proyek sepenjang hayat yang dapat dilakukan orang dengan penuh ceria dan sukses.
Buku ini akan mengurai lebih lanjut berbagai keterkaitan IQ, EQ, Dan SQ
Buku ini hadir untuk mebeberkan cara lengkap teknik menyulam harapannya akan banyak yang menguasai keterampilan ini
Dihari pembagian rapor ana menjadi langganan juara umum dipondok pesantren putri siti fatimah, dikejutkan oleh pengumuman ustazah nurul mengenai beasiswa yang akan diberikan kepada pihak pesantren …